A recent industry trend is the use of “wrap up” insurance policies, which cover contractors and subcontractors working on large construction projects for a large variety of risks. As wrap up policies are used more often, here are ten things you should know about wrap-up insurance policies:
- Are a single risk management program for most or all participants in a project
- Normally are only utilized on large projects, such as $100 million and up
- Typically include worker’s compensation, employer’s liability, general and umbrella liability and builder’s risk/installation floater
- Typically exclude auto liability, contractor’s equipment and design liability
- Some advantages include cost savings due to volume, comprehensive coverages, improved safety and loss control and less finger pointing between insurers
- Some disadvantages include unfamiliarity with wrap-ups, disagreements about premiums and deductibles, and gaps in coverage if work performed off-site
- That the wrap-up manual, policy and your contract should be reviewed by your insurance broker, perhaps at additional cost
- OCIPs are a better choice when the owner plays an active role in the project
- CCIPs are a better choice when the contractor controls the contracting process
- Result in more administrative costs and challenges
Don Gregory spoke at the CFMA annual meeting in Chicago on June 29 on “OCIP/CCIP issues from a Subcontractor’s perspective.”