Tech is king in our modern era, and tech in the construction industry is certainly no exception. The Ohio State University’s $370 million “North Residential District Transformation” project maintains five electronic kiosks on site with electronic planning tables and high-tech computers. Many workers carry iPads.

Dozens of apps are available that are specifically designed for construction, including Latista Field, Viewpoint, Fieldwire, and iSafe Inspections, to name just a few.  These programs allow a project team to quickly perform a wide variety of tasks, including tracking time and efficiency, managing safety programs, creating project estimates, tracking trends in construction, and facilitating communication and collaboration among hundreds of laborers.

With high-tech equipment, updated plans and drawings can be accessed immediately, allowing workers to avoid mistakes and increasing productivity.  Technology can also be used to stay ahead of schedule and even to document work and preserve supporting documentation for a claim.

In today’s construction world, it pays to be tech savvy.